Spain 2019 Registration

To find out the cost of this retreat and to see what is included, please visit our SPAIN 2019 COST/ACCOMMODATIONS page.

Payments, Terms and Conditions: 

** Payments and Deposits: A £400 deposit (approximately US $524) will hold your place. 50% of the balance (after deposit) is due on or before June 27, 2019 with the final payment due August 27, 2019 (30 days prior to the first day of the retreat).**

** Early Bird Discount: Pay for the retreat in full before May 31, 2019 and receive 10% off the total cost. **

All payments to be made to Veronica Graham at Imagination Spa in Pounds Sterling.

Payment Options:

There are a variety of payment options.

  1. Bank transfer

When you are ready, let us know and we will send you bank transfer information. If you are paying with a currency that is not British Pounds or from a bank account not in the UK, check with your bank about fees and exchange rates. (The currency converter on the Accommodations / Costs page is a guide only).

  1. Payment via VEEM:

VEEM allows you to send money around the world without large transaction fees and at reasonable exchange rates, when you make payments in U.S. Dollars to local currency. If you do not have an account you can find out more here:

When you are ready, let us know and we will send you a payment request.

  1. PayPal

If you wish, you may pay using PayPal. If you choose this option, please note that you are responsible for paying an additional 5% of the paid amount in order to cover fees. When you are ready, let us know and we will send you a payment request. The account for a PayPal payment is

For more information, you may call Susann in Los Angeles at +00 1 310.450.0351
Or, email her at

Or, Veronica in London at +44 (0)7773 420 402

If you are arriving prior to the beginning of the retreat, or if you wish to extend your stay, we would be happy to assist you with your accommodation planning.

Terms and Conditions:

Please read these terms and conditions carefully.

Cancellations and Refunds: There are no refunds available regardless of circumstances. Given this policy, we highly recommend that you purchase travel insurance in case of emergencies or unforeseen circumstances that may arise.

Travel Packet: Upon registration you will be emailed a travel packet including information on: a suggested packing list, baggage allowance, credit card usage during your travel, customs, passport information and other details.

Insurance: Travel insurance will protect your investment in case of unforeseen situations or emergencies. If you choose to purchase travel insurance, which we highly recommend, you must do so yourself. You can purchase travel insurance through your airlines when you book your trip or we have been recommending Travel Guard International at 800 826-1300, and have received positive feedback. We also recommend you obtain medical health insurance to cover the duration of your stay.

La Finca Paradiso: All personal bills (such as alcoholic drinks, massages or treatments) must be settled with La Finca in full before leaving.

Liability: We shall not be liable for any loss, damage or injury suffered by you or your property howsoever caused. This is not intended to affect any mandatory rights you may have under local law that we cannot legally restrict or exclude.

These terms and conditions will be binding on us both once a contract is made between us. A contract will exist between us once you have made your booking and paid your deposit.